Scarecrows On Main

Travel along Main Street in downtown Belleville throughout the month of October and you will be greeted by a line of scarecrows  along the way.  These scarecrows are the creations of local businesses, families, individuals, schools, organizations and clubs and another fun “Booville” activity.  Not only are they fun decorations …

Belleville Harvest Fest Fun

This past Saturday our family visited the annual Harvest Fest in downtown Belleville.  We have made this a family tradition for many years.  Our kids always have a lot of fun participating in the various activities.  These are offered within the Belleville Area Museum, the Belleville Area District Library, and …

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Welcome Fall!! Last week we officially entered into autumn.  That means time to take in the changes in temperature and changes in foliage.  I know in my family, we have a traditional “checklist” of memory making things that we “just have to do” in every season, and fall is certainly no exception. …