Sometimes The Smallest Commission Results In The Largest Joy

I consider myself fortunate in that I don’t feel a compelling need to focus on a paycheck in my current work.  I spent a decade going to a job every day that I did not care much for, solely focused on collecting a paycheck.  That mentality and work life was miserable.  In contrast, I now do work that I find fun and rewarding and the paycheck is a result that follows.  I don’t focus and calculate the commission that a particular transaction will bring.  I just focus on working the deal and getting the best results for my clients.

This work is most often paid on a percentage based scale.  Needless to say, the larger the sales price, generally speaking, the larger the paycheck to the agent.  Although the scope of work is pretty much the same access the board.  But I don’t care what the buyer’s budget or sales price is, I pride myself in giving everyone my full and best service.

Recently I worked with a middle-aged buyer who told me on our first meeting how it was their dream to own a home in their lifetime.  They had spent decades renting and they wanted something that they could put their work and heart into and call their own.   The buyer found their perfect match, a good solid house at a very amazing price.  They showed so much commitment and determination to make their goal a reality.  They had calculated all the figures, put together the financial plans.  They were even ready to pull money out of retirement to make it happen.  But I said, “Wait, you probably don’t have to tap into your retirement…Talk to our lending partner and ask about MSHDA down payment assistance”.  For that they did qualify!  We worked our way through the deal and they closed on their new property for very little money out of pocket and monthly payments hundreds less than they were paying in rent for an equivalent house.  Do you know how great that felt to watch this dream the buyer painted for me on our first meeting play out and to see them get the keys to their own home and piece of earth?  It was AMAZING!!  That is why I love my work!  It’s not about a paycheck, it’s about helping and witnessing people realize their dream.  In the end, that paycheck was among my smallest, but the joy that I took from the experience is among the greatest.

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