Scarecrows On Main

Travel along Main Street in downtown Belleville throughout the month of October and you will be greeted by a line of scarecrows  along the way.  These scarecrows are the creations of local businesses, families, individuals, schools, organizations and clubs and another fun “Booville” activity.  Not only are they fun decorations adorning our downtown light poles, they are actually entries of an annual scarecrow contest conducted by the city.  Entry is free and those wishing to participate submitted an entry form to the City of Belleville in late September.   There are guidelines that must be followed in regards to construction and appropriateness of entries (these are outlined on the entry form).  The city provides the wooden frame around which the scarecrows are constructed.  The finished works of art are delivered to City Hall at the very beginning of October and are then dispersed along Main Street by city employees.

Contest judging is conducted during the Harvest Festival and awards are presented at a City Counsel meeting in November.



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