How Much Should I Offer

It’s one of the most frequently asked questions…nearly every single buyer asks me when they finally find the house that feels right to them.  But this is such a personal question that only they can answer for themselves.

When you are the buyer, it really comes down to two things:

  • How bad do you want it?
  • How much you are willing/able to spend to get it?

Of course buyers always want to pay as little as possible.  I’m a bargain shopper, I totally get it.  But do you want the house only if it’s a bargain or do you want the house because you love it? When you find the house you are ready to place an offer on, I hope you feel so strongly that you “don’t want anyone else to get it” and that you are ready to place an offer that says the same.  Anything else is risky.  When there are multiple offers on the table for a single property, you’re only gonna get one shot, you have to make it your best.

I am always willing to provide my opinion of what I believe it may take to win the deal, suggestions of how you can strengthen your offer, what I believe it would appraise for and such.  But I can not tell you how much you should be willing to spend on it.  This is your purchase and your money.  I want you to feel comfortable and confident on your own judgement and decisions.  I want the numbers you run with to sit good in your own mind and heart.  In the end, I will turn the question to you: How much are you willing to offer?  Then I will write that offer and I will fight on your behalf to sell that offer.  Win or lose, you will know in confidence that you offered what you were willing and able.

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