I Am Your At Home With Diversity Certified Agent

I am pleased to announce that as of November 10, 2016 I have been awarded the At Home with Diversity® certification from the National Association of REALTORS®.

In order to earn this certification, I was required to complete an 8 hour course addressing topics of diversity, fair housing and business planning development. Through this program I have been equipped with tools to help expand homeownership opportunities to culturally diverse buyers and sellers within the housing market in regards to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, handicaps, familial status, or national origin.

Today, more than one-third of Americans are minorities. It is estimated that by 2050, minorities will be the majority. The At Home With Diversity education and certification is important to me as I strive to provide professional and personalized services that transcends cultural barriers.

For more information on the At Home with Diversity® certification, visit www.realtor.org/ahwd.

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