A Minute With Kristin – 48111 Zip Code


The 48111 zip code has been traditionally known as “Belleville” mailing address, although in reality, it is comprised of three separate municipalities.

Van Buren Township –  approximately 36 square miles on the north end of the zip code, with a population of roughly 28,000 residents.

City of Belleville – approximately 1 square mile, fully surrounded by Van Buren Township, with a population of roughly 4,000 residents.

Sumpter Township – approximately 38 square miles on the south end of the zip code, with a population of roughly 9,000 residents.

In recent years, there has been push for residents of Van Buren Township to list their address as such in mailings and on their driver’s license.  Although, that has been met with much resistance many, especially those deeply rooted in the community.  For many, if asked, have always and will always say that they live in “Belleville” when they live within any one of the 3 municipalities.  Belleville has been an identifying and recognized name of a the larger community which surrounds the city for many generations.

This sometimes creates some confusion or oversight to some home shoppers who are not familiar with the community.  When a buyer tells me that they want to look in Belleville, I must dig deeper to know if they mean exclusively within the city of Belleville or the “Belleville” community.  If they enter Belleville as a search parameter on various websites, it may or may not be all inclusive of everything available within their intended area of interest.  If in doubt, feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to clarify and assist.

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